This week many of the girls and boys in Scoil Chóa Naofa were busy baking. Have a look at the photos below to see some of the yummy treats that were baked. The Great Irish Bake, sponsored by Gem, in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital is becoming an annual event in Scoil Chóca Naofa. If you would like to donate to this great cause please click on the following link:
Junior and Senior Infants
Teddy bear’s picnic Maths trail Rice krispie buns Krispie pots Our virtual school trip to the zoo At the zoo Rice Krispie treats Yummy flapjacks A happy cake Flowery rice krispie buns Cheesey puffs
1st and 2nd Class
A day at the beach Summer flowers Time for the flip flops Donuts Top marks for presentation Waiting to eat the baking
3rd and 4th Class
Chocolatey goodness Uachtar reoite Lárionad siopadóireachta
5th and 6th Class
Vanilla frosted cupcakes recipe Cupcakes with a difference Presentation is key Three ingredient cookies Cottage cheese pie Creative cupcakes Homegrown strawberries on a tasty pavlova