Health & Safety

Please inform the Principal or class teacher of any health issues your child might have. This is usually done at time of enrolment but for issues that arise during a child’s school career, please inform us as soon as poissible. This information allows us to put appropriate provisions in place to support you child and it is treated with respect and confidentiality. It is the policy of the school NOT to administer any non-prescribed medication to children without the signed consent of Parent/Guardian

If your child is too sick to go to the yard for playtime, they are probably too sick to be in school. Playtime is a vital part of being active social interaction and children like to be out with their friends during break.

Please notify the school if your child is diagnosed with a contagious disease.

There are some children with serious allergies in our school – we might ask you not to send items containing the allergens to school if your child is in the same class.

Check your child’s hair for HEAD LICE weekly. Treatment lotions and shampoos are available from any pharmacy, although the BEST treatment is supposed to be FINE-COMBING. Please inform the class teacher if your child has head lice, so other parents can be alerted.
Please ensure we have an up-to-date phone number for you in case of emergency.

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