Fáilte ar ais – a new school year – we are all looking forward to a happy year with many enjoyable events. It’s great to see all the familiar faces returning – children, staff and parents.
A special welcome to our new Junior Infants, boys and girls, whose arrival we will celebrate on Friday 11th September with our “Handprints in Stone” activity. This is to commemorate the return of coeducation to Scoil Choca. Junior Infants parents have probably already seen the picture taken in 1978 (“Slán leis na Buachaillí – Goodbye Boys) when the Department of Education decided that our lads should go to St Josephs. One of those boys was back with us on the first day – Brendan Norris; the first new boy to cross the threshold this year was Noam.
Welcome also to Sophie and her sister Aimee, to Amelie Mansior, to our new teacher, Ms Quinn in 2nd class and to Kathy who will be job sharing with Ann.
Welcome to all the new parents—our Parents Association provided a very welcome cup of tea on your first morning. The AGM of the Parents Association will take place end of September beginning of October .We are always looking for volunteers to help us in the school—so don’t be shy. Watch for posters of AGM on 1st or 8th Octoberand please attend.
Mile buiochas from all the staff for the anonymous donation of pastries on our first day back – they really cheered us and were absolutely delicious. Imagine then the surprise on Wednesday when a tray full of cup cakes were delivered – thanks to Olivia, Kaylah and Sean.
Once again I am delighted that Martina (Lillian’s mum) will be organising the Library. Please help keep up the high standard in the library by ensuring your child TAKES CARE OF and ALWAYS returns library books. If a book is damaged or lost PLEASE replace it … there are some lovely kids’ books in V De P shop. Books that are parts of sets are difficult and expensive to replace.
In the next few weeks parents of 1st and 2nd classes will be invited to a short talk on Paired Reading
What is Paired Reading?
Paired Reading is a technique which any parent can use to help their own child with reading practice. The method involves the parent who is a skilled reader and the child who is learning, reading a book together.
Who is it for?
Every child will benefit from using Paired Reading. It is not just for children with specific learning difficulties.
What are the benefits?
Parents who have undertaken Paired Reading report that not only does the child’s reading improve but that child’s self-esteem has improved, and generally the child is more co-operative at home also. This can be attributed to the quality parent – child relationship that develops as they spend more time together.
Keeping in touch
I send home a Newsletter every 6 weeks detailing events that have happened, current information and notice of some forthcoming activities. You can also keep in touch with school events on Facebook and on the web page, scoilchoca.ie. Heidi (Frieda’s mum) is the WEB KEEPER but this year I am taking lessons and will do some updating especially to the BLOG.
There is a parents’ FACEBOOK group will alert you to the many event and surprises that happen in the school or in the town.
The first BIG even will be the HANDPRINTS IN STONE on Friday at 11.00 for Junior Infants.
See WEBSITE for NO UNIFORM themes.
Kidz at play, the preschool has extended its service and is now offering after school care – if you are interested call and talk to Evelyn or one of the girls. NOTICE IN WINDOW>
Homework club for children from 3rd – 6th resumed this week in room 11, from 2.40 – 3.40pm. Please contact Ms Mahon for all the details.
Irish Dancing
Irish dancing for Junior Infants to 4th class resumes on Friday 25th. We will have a new teacher and Ann Kelly will visit for the day to introduce her to us all.
Get Children Active! Top tips
Get active yourself: children learn through example and are 5 times more likely to be active if their parents are.
Limit screen time: limiting screen time allows more time for physical activity. There is a link between number of hours spent in sedentary screen time and the risk of obesity in children.
Plan: to be active, there are 1,440 minutes in a day so see where children can use at least 60 of them for activity. Remember you don’t have to do it all at once even 10 minutes at a time counts. After school activities are a great way for kids to be more active.
Play active games with your children: they will enjoy them as much as you do.—Ball Games, Skipping Games, Running Games.
Walk or cycle to school: or at least some of the way where possible.
Get a rain coat and wellies: don’t use the weather as an excuse, make sure you and your child are prepared for rain!
As part of the school Uniform , I suggested STURDY SHOES—shoes that allow your child to run and play safely in the Playground, shoes that will keep feet dry and warm. Runners can be worn with tracksuit on PE days. Fancy footwear can be kept for home.
It’s great to see some children cycling and scooting to school. Please walk bikes and scooters from the gate to bike shed.
On Monday I had to go to a meeting in Naas before school – and I got a chance to experience some of the chaos on the lane. PLEASE ensure you are not causing an obstruction when you park your car on this narrow lane. PLEASE do not block the gateways of our neighbours. There is NO ACCESS to school through the Car Park – NO CARS OR PEDESTRIANS.
Entrance to school is through the church ground and the school yard where the children line up.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that we had some renovations over the summer – we now have entrance to toilets from the yard. It means much better supervision for your children at play time. Children who are feeling unwell will now sit in the shelter where a number of teachers can keep an eye on them….hats, scarves, gloves and warm coats are essential. BUT PLEASE DON’T SENT SICK CHILDREN TO SCHOOL
School closures for 2015-2016
Oct 2: last date for application for enrolment for Sep 2016
Midterm: week of 26th October (26th—30th OCT) ****Our Christmas Pageant Friday 18th Dec at 12.00****
Christmas Holidays: School closes at 12.00 on 22nd December
School reopens January 6th at 9am
Midterm 18th & 19th Feb
Easter holidays : school closes at 12.00 on 16th March
School reopens 4th April at 9am
First Communion: Sat 7th May at 11.00 am
Midterm Break: week of 16th May (16th—20th May)
School closes for Summer Holidays at 12.00 on 30th June
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