
Newsletter February 2014

D Mí Feabhra 

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir …..Happy New Year. Scoil Choca has been a busy place since our return to school: your children may have been talking about all the “new teachers” – we have had a large group of student teachers. They have given such positive feedback on our friendly and welcoming school and your mannerly  and hardworking children. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have bright and warm surroundings and agreeable children.

School Text Books

As you know we operate a BOOK RENTAL SCHEME for many of the text books: this reduces your expenses in September. For the scheme to be viable, we need to get at least three year’s use from the books. Children should be very careful with the books – they should not mark a rented book by writing on it, folding it, etc. and they should keep the book clean.

Parents of children who do not care for the books and keep them in reasonable condition will be asked to compensate the school, allowing us buy a replacement copy.  We can make the BOOK RENTAL SCHEME worthwhile and successful, if we all cooperate.

Library Books

We have also introduced a new Digital School Library System. The children now scan the book they are borrowing and returning. This means they cannot borrow a book until the previous one is returned.

Again, parents of children who lose books will be asked to replace the book or compensate the school for its loss.

Credit Union Quiz

Well done to the girls who represented Scoil Choca on Friday

1. Yvonne  Farrell, Aoife Mullally, Niamh O’Ferrall, Anna Radchenkov

2. Aoife Lawless, Hannah Morley, Sophie Mulligan, Lena Pieta

3. Thea Copas, Shona Malone, Caoimhe Murphy, Shauna Reynolds

4.  Rachel Cuffe, Vivienne Gantley, Maya Htut, Lauren McDermott

5.Chiameke Amaeze, Jamie Maloney, Hannah McMoreland, Taylor Moore Murray

We  were lucky that our SUB for all teams, CAOIMHE NEVIN , was available on the night—Thanks Caoimhe.

Little Lambs

Very sad to hear about the closure of Little Lambs.

Jackie—a special thanks to you on behalf of all of us in Scoil Choca for your services over the last number of years ……you supplied hundreds of tracksuits, uniforms, communion dresses… and there were many students who used your shop to rendezvous with mam’s and minders. We’ll miss you.


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