It’s lovely when a new term begins with sunshine. The children all look well rested after the Easter holidays and many of them report “getting out to play” when the weather was fine. While it’s great for your children to have freedom …. Please make them aware of PERSONEL SAFETY and ROAD SAFETY.
A car was spotted in Ryebridge and Courtown areas on Thursday last. Persons in car were photographing children on the play spaces. Reports were made to Gardaí in Leixlip. This should not stop your children playing outside …. But, parents and minders, you need to be vigilant.
Mobile phone safety is also an issue for your attention. Our Code of Behaviour Policy and Anti Bullying Policy (both available on the web page) indicate the steps that the school takes when there are breaches in rules. I would ask you NOT to delete messages that your child might find worrying; it is much easier to deal with difficulties that arise if the message is saved.
Once again, I ask you not to drive or walk through the staff carpark— CHILD SAFETY FIRST. Most people now observe my requests…. But there’s always one or two???? I believe parking on the lane has improved. Usually there is an increase in the number walking when sunnier weather arrives. We will begin our WOW programme on the first Wednesday in May.
The Green Committee are welcoming SPRING with our annual SPRING CLEAN. Every class will be involved both within and around the school premises. Watch out for the high-viz-vested children with their litter pickers.
The Green Committee have also organised planting in the school garden:
Ms Wilson: Lettuce
Ms Ní Dhalaigh and Ms Byrne: Potatoes
Ms Quinn and Ms Heffernan: Parsley
Ms Curran/Ms McCabe and Ms Heffernan: Carrots
Ms Shanley and Mr O’Sullivan : Onions
Ms Mahon: Turnips
Ms Grimes and Ms Soden:Radishes
Ms Diggin: Strawberries
Get Active!
WOW (Walk on Wednesday) will begin on Wednesday 6th May. Children meet at Courthouse or Scoil Dara and walk with teacher and parents to school from there.
Children can also cycle or scoot to school. All classes will soon begin training for school run on June 19th.
Well done to L:auren (5th Class) and Jade (6th class) who performed in the National Dance Championships in Ennis. Jade performed “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift and Lauren performed Musical Theatre from Billy Elliott. In the Ballet section Lauren wore a dress brought from Russia by her teacher.
Paige Cassidy won 2nd prize Under 9 in the Regional/National Gymnastics competition which was held recently in University of Limerick. Artistic gymnasts from all over the country competed.
Scoil Choca Book Club
The first meeting of our school Book Club was on Friday last. A group of children from 4th class got together in the library to discuss their first book. Children will take it in turns to compile discussion questions on the book read each week—Olivia is first up.
Welcome to Maureen, Mona, Heather and Mary who join 3rd/4th class each Thursday to pass on the skills of knitting to the next generation. These ladies are members of a knitting club that meet in the Library and they volunteered their services to us. Many thanks Ladies.
Intercultural Day
We have parents from more than 20 countries in our school. What a great experience for all our children to experience the many diverse cultures. I would appreciate volunteers who would share/display pictures, food, national cosume, music, stories…. You might have other ideas. A small committee will be formed to organise the day which will take place in the afternoon of 10th June.
National Children’s Choir
This year is the 30th anniversary of the National Children’s Choir which which was formed by Seán Creamer in 1985 to celebrate ‘European Music Year’. In 2013 the first Kildare Regional Concerts were held.
The second biennial concert of the National Children’s Choir (Kildare) will feature 500 Kildare primary school children performing a repertoire of 18 songs in City West Hotel on May 21st, 2015.
Tickets available from 5th and 6th class teachers.
Basketball Club
Names for Kilcock Basketball Club need to be in school by tomorrow 21st April as team selection will take place in the evening. The club meet every Friday in Scoil Dara from 7—9pm
Family Mass on Sat 2nd May at 6pm. The theme of the mass is “I am the Vine” and Scoil Choca will be responsible for bringing the gifts and the symbols and also decorating the porch of the church. Mr O’Sullivan’s class are the first class to present “OUR SACRED SPACE” in the church. Please bring you child to visit.
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