Hello again girls!
I hope you and your families are still keeping safe and well. This week starts with a bank holiday Monday so you can take a break from your school work and do something fun!
You are all working very hard and you should be proud of yourselves. It’s not easy to keep yourself motivated when you have no classmates or teachers to support you, so well done!
This week I received some lovely emails. It made me so happy to hear that you are well and getting on with your work. Thank you! As always, feel free to email me whenever you like, if you want to show me some work or if you have a question or even if it’s only to share some news, I’d love to hear from you. msheffernan@scoilchoca.ie
You’ll find some work at the end of your teacher’s lesson plan. Do what you can and don’t worry if you can’t get everything done. We can only do our best. Remember, it’s just as important to talk to your friends, get some fresh air and exercise and help around the house or do an activity you enjoy like baking or art.
I miss you all, your lovely smiles and good humour!
Stay kind and mind yourselves,
Ms. R. Heffernan