On behalf of the staff and the Board of Management at Scoil Chóca Naofa I would like take this opportunity to wish you and the children a very safe and happy Easter holiday.
It has been a period of adjustment for us all and we would like to thank you for the part you have played. Thank you for your support over the past few weeks in helping your children to stay engaged with their learning. We would like to hear from them a little more, we would like to see the work they have complete so please send their teacher your pictures, photos of their best work and maybe something fun they do at Easter. We can share it with their classmates. teacher will be happy to give them feedback.
I shall be in touch after the Easter break to get your feedback as parents on how we can tweak and improve of the learning experiences of your children going forward.
There will be no lessons posted for the next two weeks but if you would like to continue learning activities with the children there are many online resources available, many of the teachers have put links in their lessons for this week. For example www.Twinkl.ie have a free Easter Pack for you to download.
You all deserve a break now, take time with each other without the added pressure of work or schooling in the home. Recharge your batteries and spend time together doing fun things in the home. Tell stories, play board games, cook together, clean together, do the gardening together. There is learning for your children in all of that as well as fun.We look forward to a refreshed group of children after the break. Take care and keep safe.