We had a wonderful day today celebrating ‘Grandparents’ & Grandfriends’ Day 2020′. The grandparents and grandfriends of the children from junior infants up to second class visited their classrooms to take a look at all of the lovely work that the teachers, SNAs and children in these classes have been working on.

The children in 3rd and 4th class came down to the school halla to perform poems and songs for their grandparents. The children in Ms. Smith’s 4th class gave the grandparents and grandfriends a taste of their ‘Challenge to Change’ project. Some children wore the outfits they’d put together using recycled materials.

The girls in fifth and sixth class celebrated Grandparents’ & Grandfriends day by going to 10 o’clock mass with their grandparents and grandfriends. The mass was very special and we prayed for all the grandparents who were not with us today. The day finished with a lovely cup of tea in the halla which was provided by the Parents’ Association. Thank you to all who helped and to all of the Grandparents’ & Grandfriends for joining us and making the day so memorable.

More photos to follow!