Scoil Chóca Naofa’s debate team have been very busy over the last four weeks researching, preparing and practising for the Concern Debates. The team representing our school are: Mayleen Magagula, Anna McGrath, Lucy O’Sullivan, Deirbhile Browne, Suzanne Murphy and Moya Murphy.
The children, coached by Ms. Smith, Ms. O’Grady, Ms. Carr and Ms. Tierney, won the first round of the league phase on the 5th of November when they successfully opposed the motion ‘Homework is a Waste of Time’. The children completed a lot of research on this topic and they did a wonderful job on the day. It was a great achievement.
A big thank you to Scoil Eoin Phóil, Leixlip, who hosted the debate and to the adjudicators who commended the children on their speeches and on the depth of their knowledge of this topic.
We are looking forward to hosting our next debate in early December. We will be proposing the motion ‘Primary school students should be banned from owning a mobile phone’. The girls are looking forward to representing our school and we know that they will do Scoil Chóca Naofa proud! We wish them the very best of luck!