6th Class, May 11th

“Aim for progress, not perfection.”

“I don’t have to be perfect!”

Hi to all the girls in 6th class,

Last week we decided as a school to focus on Wellbeing and one 6th class student did an amazing picture with the above phrases. We thought in these unusual times the phrases were really good and it’s important to remember to be kind to ourselves!

We have received some fantastic work this week. WOW, we have a really hard-working talented bunch of girls. We like seeing your English, Irish and Maths but we also like to see some of the other activities you are doing… poems, letters, art, crafts, sports videos, baking, paintings and DIY.

This week we would like you to watch Cúla4 on TG4. We have included the timetable in the Lesson Plans of what is suitable for 6th every day. If you decide to watch the TV programme it is ok not to do the other Gaeilge work assigned for that day.

Many of the girls have been asking about Graduation. Unfortunately, as schools are closed we won’t be able to get together this school year but we promise that as soon as it is safe to do so we will have a BIG celebration with you all, even if we have to wait a long time.

The school Hoodies can be paid for on the school Aladdin account from Monday 18th May.

Have a great week everyone. Keep in touch. Send samples of your work. If you are finding anything difficult please ask us for help. Keep in touch with your friends. Remember to keep washing your hands!

Ms Diggin & Ms Soden



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